Rákóczi archive

This digital archive has made in 2019-2020 on the Francis II. Rákóczi Memorial Year at the National Széchényi Library (NSZL), by the framework of the Public Collection Digitization Strategy. Its primary goal to present the technology of web archiving and the integration of the web archive with other digital collections through a demo application. The content is focusing on the webpages and websites related to the Memorial Year, to th War of Independence, to the Prince and to his family. Furthermore, it contains born digital or digitized books from the Hungarian Electronic Library, articles from the Electronic Periodical Archives, photos, illustrations and other visual documents from the Digital Archive of Pictures. This collection offers an extensive set of resources about the Hungarian social and military history from the 17th and 18th centuries, for education and research.

Browse and search functions are available for metadata of each collection. In the hit lists different color codes shows the origin of items by collections. Padlock icons shows the availability status of a document. Red or yellow padlocks appears on those archived webpages where the website owner has not granted at all or not granted yet authorization for public access. However, for these kind of not publicly available documents the metadata, a small screenshot image and links to relevant items on the Internet Archive are being offered. Full text search function is only provided for the publicly available items in the web archive.

The service is available on the following address: http://rakoczi2019.webarchivum.oszk.hu